God is our Provider!!!

By Pastor Lin on 12/18/2007
I love West Webster!

I'm so happy that God moved our church to west webster!

I feel so blessed every day when I walk into our office & the Mosaic Cafe.  I can't believe how big it is!  We've had 65-70 people in there & there was still room for more!

The office is a bustling place these days as well.  We have two office /admin. helpers who come in on different days---we now have someone who comes in & cleans & Pastor John, Barb & I all have our offices there.

Quite a few people stop by every day & the phone rings off the hook somedays!

It's used by our people almost every single day and night & we are really getting our money's worth out of it!  We've only been there for 9 months & already it's changed our church dramatically.  It really is our church for 6 days of the week.

God has been so good to us to provide for us as He always does!  What an amazing plan He had in bringing us to west webster! 

It didn't seem that long ago when we were waiting to hear if we would be able to start renting the movie theater & office space.  It was a cold spring day & I drove to Mendon Ponds Park.  I found this awesome place up on a hill overlooking the park.

I prayed, I worshipped, I read the bible and I prayed some more.  I wanted to make sure this was God's will for our church & I asked Him to speak to me.  After about four hours, I was waiting for God to speak to me when He finally did!

He said YES, we would be going to the theater & get the new offices!  He said that we would grow slowly at first, but we would GROW!  Halleliah!  All that He said has come true!!!

Not that I question God of course, but sometimes I question my ability to hear clearly from Him.  I want to make sure that I am not getting in the way of His will! 

God has continued to grow, shape & morph us into an amazing family of God.  You can feel the healthiness in our church & it truly feels like a real family when we're together!Our Christmas party last week was amazing!  The Mission Team did an awesome job & I loved that the focus was our giving to others.

I am wowed by the generosity of our people to give incredible gifts to the Alternatives for Battered Women.  It took many people several hours just to wrap them all!  I am so proud of our people!

I can't wait to see all that God will do with our church in 2008!  In many ways, we've only just begun to become all we can be in Jesus' name!  To Him be the GLORY forever and ever--AMEN!

Love in Christ our Lord,
Pastor Lin :-)

1 Tim. 3:15
"I am writing these things to you so you'll know how to live in the family of God. That family is the church of the living God, the support and foundation of the truth."
