After the weekend ramblings...

By Pastor Lin on 3/2/2009

March 2nd, 2009

I am just so in awe of all God is doing at BHCC and beyond!  This has been an incredible weekend of victory for our Lord!

We had record attendance yesterday!  Our Sunday worship attendance has doubled since we first moved our worship services to the theater in 2007!!!

Two huge ministries were 'officially' launched at BHCC this weekend.  Our teen girls group had an awesome time at the Revolve Tour.  What a great place to launch this ministry!!  Everyone had a great time and God was there!

Then, yesterday we officially launched our pre-teen kids ministry by having pizza together and then going to Laser Quest!  We had somewhere around 28 people in attendance....halleluiah!  I really enjoyed spending time with the kids and feel relationships building in awesome, godly ways!  Everyone had a really great time!

Much thanks to Christine and Mike for all their hard work!

So much many souls at stake.

On Saturday, Steve Sjogren and Pastor Teddy visited my brother and Mom to share the gospel with my brother.  How amazing is that?  Steve is an amazing man of God and I thank God that he has given Steve such a humble heart to make the time to go and talk with my brother!  He is a true friend of Gods and a true friend ofmine!  God answers prayer friends.  When I prayed for God to send someone to my brother to share the gospel with him, never in a million years would I have thought it would have been one of the top evangelists in our country!  God is amazing!!!

Last Thursday I did a funeral for Dennis.  I met so many wonderful people there and even though I never got to meet Dennis, I was very touched by his life.  I feel like I knew him.  He would have been someone I would have chosen for a friend I think.  I continue to pray for all his children and loved ones.  He was only 46!

Blessed Be the name of our Lord!!!! 
