Our Recent Enews!

By Pastor Lin on 9/4/2009

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Below is the Enews sent out this past week:

Hi Friends! 

I hope you have all had a blessed summer!!!  It sure seems like everyone I know has had a very BUSY summer!  But let's not despair at summer's end, let's praise our LORD and thank Him for all the GOOD that we have!  And seriously, Fall is absolutely beautiful here in Upstate, NY!  Let's not miss celebrating God's beautiful creation for one day! 
Fall is something for all of us to look forward too!  It's a time to enjoy a fresh harvest of  fruits and vegetables. A time when God paints our landscape with beautiful colors!  A time for kids to go back to school and a time for everyone to GO BACK TO CHURCH! :-)
I think it's so cool that there is actually a national BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY on Sept. 13th, 2009!  Kind of like a national rally day for all Christians to make a commitment to get back in the routine of going to church to worship our LORD every Sunday!  We hear the words back to school everywhere but we also need to spread the word for people to go BACK TO CHURCH!
God created the church FOR YOU!  It is not man or woman's idea, the local church is God's creation!  Jesus Christ died so that His church could LIVE!  The church is the living, breathing Body of Christ and we all have a responsibility to BUILD THE CHURCH!
BHCC is participating in the National Back to Church Sunday on Sept. 13, 2009, but we need YOUR HELP!  You need to participate in two ways!  First, make a committment today that you are going to make attending church on a weekly basis one of  your highest priorities from this Sunday forward!  Second, invite your friends, family, neigbors and coworkers to church for BACK TO CHURCH Sunday!
Inviting others to church is all of our responsibility and yet, sadly.... "73% of people who don't attend church say they have never been invited." –Barna Group

Over half of Americans say they would visit a church if they receive a personal invitation from a family member, friend or neighbor, a new study shows.
Statistics show: Less than 2% of Christians have never invited someone to church!
Think about those statistics friends! That truth does not honor our Risen LORD! He deserves better than that from us.  Now is the chance for us to turn those statistics around and fulfill our responsibility to build His Church!
Sept. 13th is an opportunity for all of us Christians across our nation to join together as the one body of Christ and encourage people to come back to church!
Blessed Hope CC will be having a special carry-in dinner at the Mosaic Café that day from 4-6:45pm.  (Bill's game starts at 7:00pm te-he.)  This will be a time for us to RALLY together and strengthen our church in Jesus' name.  Invite your friends and family!  The Pastors and lead team will be unveiling some exciting stuff for you to see for the first time!
Bring a dish to pass!
Don't forget that Sunday, Sept. 20th is our BHCC 101-401 Christian Life and Service Seminars with dinner immediately following. We need everyone to sign-up prior to classes so we make sure we have enough books for everyone.  For more info on these classes, check out our website or talk with one of the pastors or Lead Team.
Here's some more statistics on the BENEFITS of belonging to a church:
“80% of Americans believe in God.” yet “15% of Americans go to a religious service once a week.” –The Pew Forum on Religion and Harris Interactive
“Children and youth who attend religious services weekly, exhibit fewest behavior problems, are more likely to have high-quality relationships with their parents, and are more likely to exhibit positive social behavior, including showing respect for ...teachers and neighbors, getting along with other children, understanding other people’s feelings, and trying to resolve conflicts with classmates, family or friends.”
 “The lessons I learned in Sunday School have kept me on track” – Denzel Washington
Over half of Americans say they would visit a church if they receive a personal invitation from a family member, friend or neighbor, a new study shows
“I take the kids to church and Sunday school. They love it. I really think it's important for a child to feel that there are things that are bigger than your life out there.” –Reese Witherspoon

Proven benefits from studies of people who attend church regularly:

    • increase the average life expectancy of your children by 8 years
    • significantly reduce their use and risk from Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs
    • dramatically lower their risk of suicide
    • help them rebound from depression 70% faster
    • dramatically reduce their risk for committing a crime
    • improve their attitude at school and increase their school participation
    • improve their performance in college and lessen problems with college-age substance abuse
    • reduce their risk for rebelliousness
    • reduce the likelihood that they would binge drink in college
    • improve their odds for a "very happy" life
    • provide them with a life-long moral compass
    • and get them to wear their seat belts more often
(Research from Duke University, Indiana University, The University of Michigan, The Center for Disease Control, Barna Research Group, numerous independent studies, and the National Institute for Healthcare Research.)
Okay, nuff said?  Let's help others receive these same benefits by inviting them to come BACK TO CHURCH STARTING SUNDAY, SEPT. 13TH!!! See you Sunday!
Serving Him Together,
Pastor Lin :-)

