Pastor John's Blog

God is Faithful

By Pastor John on 3/31/2012
This has been quite a week but God has come to the rescue multiple times.

One example was last night when myself, Jen and 4-month-old Jordyn were on 104 and our truck began to shake.  Thinking we might have had a flat tire, we got off at the next exit.  The tires were fine so we headed to a larger parking lot so we could take a closer look.  We almost didn't make it to that next parking lot as the wheel went out of alignment and began to shake violently.

Fortunately, God had placed a close friend in that same parking lot that we pulled into at the same time who quickly spotted that 3 of our 6 lug nuts had fallen off.  1 lug nut was about to fall off any second and the other two were making their way off as well.  Thank God that our front wheel didn't fall off!  Lug nuts coming loose is a seldom occurrence but thankfully He was watching over us and we didn't loose our wheel on 104.