Pastor John's Blog

A Satanic Halloween Blog Entry

By Pastor John on 10/31/2009

So it's Halloween... I can't say that it's one of my favorite days.  We bring out the same monsters every year.  Most of them aren't even real.  Except for Satan...

We don't have anything to fear because Jesus has already defeated Satan once and for all.  But he's is still a nuisance--trying to slow down God's work in our lives.

Satan contradicts himself.  One minute, he tells us that we're not good enough (trying to make us feel bad about ourselves) and the next minute, he tries to convince us that we're better than everyone else (trying to make us prideful).  He's always going to be an annoyance but we have the choice in whether to listen to him.  He contradicts himself and he contradicts the truth.  But if we listen to God's voice, He will speak truth and love into our lives and dispel all Satan's wickedness.

Have a safe and blessed Oct. 31st!
