Pastor John's Blog

Finals Moments in Life

By Pastor John on 8/2/2008

When you're in school, you know exactly when to expect your finals.  You might even know from the first day of class exactly when you'll be taking that final.  Even though I'm not in school any more, I still have moments that feel like finals.  They're the moments that everything else leads up to.  In fact, they count more than college finals because now we're dealing with real life.

I've had a few of those moments recently.  And I've notice they can come unexpectedly.  All of a sudden, you're in the middle of a "make-it-or-break-it"
situation and how you handle the situation is extremely dependent on the overall outcome.

But the reality is, you did have the preparation and learned abilities to handle the situation--God has been teaching you this for a while--now it's time to apply.

One example of this is some of the situations we have on the worship team from time to time--an issue comes up Sunday morning and has to be addressed quickly and correctly.  Usually its not anyone’s fault.  But the reality is, we are trying to coordinate 7 musicians, 3 sound & media technicians, 14 sound board inputs, 22 lights, a computer, 3 audio monitors, 2 speakers, 2 amps, a DVD player, projector, and an enormous screen.  It's crazy.  Things will go wrong.  But it's how we deal with these issues and work through them as a team that counts.  And that's how we find ourselves in the middle of a final.

What are some of the finals in your life?  How is God using these situations to help you become more mature?
