Pastor John's Blog

I'm not happy

By Pastor John on 10/31/2007

"I'm not happy."  I've been hearing this from a lot of people lately.  Maybe it's the change of season, maybe its allergies, maybe she’s born with it, or maybe it’s Maybelline.  But I think that deep down we all want to be happy all the time.

In Bible study this evening we talked about Jesus' teaching that whoever tries to save their life will lose it and whoever loses their life for him will save it.  It's not easy to understand.  But it's true.

"It's not about you."  This is how Pastor Rick Warren begins his book, "The Purpose Driven Life."  Whenever I become dissatisfied with life I try to remember, "It doesn't matter if I'm happy because it's not about me."  At first, this type of thinking will frustration you even more because you're not getting your way.  But the more you think about it, the more comforting it becomes.  God has placed me here on this earth for His plan and His purpose and thank God that it's not all about me.  Thank God that my life is more meaningful than the day to day tasks I sometimes make it.  For this reason I am very happy and thankful for all that God has blessed me with!  This is how I’ve found peace even when things don’t go the way I’d like them to.
